fredag 25 maj 2012


Hello Fashionistas!!!!

I have found these awesome sunglasses!!
This is something new to us because we are doing this post about sunglasses !!

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this but I have the exact same sunglasses well the pink ones!!!

Now back to the topic!!!

 I REALLY like the black sunglasses, I've wanted them since I saw them in a  magazine...

Now for the things i like and dislike:

Well both of the sunglasses are pretty much the same, the only thing different is the color.

Well I dont really think there is anything bad to say about them, so I will say the good things about these pairs of sunglasses!!!YAY

I really like the little silver things on the sides, thats what always reminds me when I see them in a store that those are RAYBANS!!!!

Now to the rating !!!!
I rate these sunglasses...
9.9 out of 10!!!! WOOHOO

By:EMELIE !!!!

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