måndag 9 juli 2012

CD shoes!

Hello Fashion lovers!

I have found these really AWESOME shoes!
But I did actually like one the most!
So I will do a blog post on this shoe.

I am in LOVE with this shoe!
Its like the most awesomest shoe that I have ever seen!

It is a quit unusual type of shoe thats one thing I like about it!

I also really like how its like a cd player (the music type of one not the one that you play dvds on).
I am not really sure about if you can play music on it or not.

Ok now back to the topic!

You guys might not like this but I do because they are unusual, I mean its not every day you walk past a shoeshop and see these shoes right? Comment Yes if you think the same or no for you dont think the same!

Just saying :)

I really hope that you could buy these shoes in a shop.

I wish I had more to say but I don´t...

Oh right one more thing!!! Do you have facebook? If you do then we have made a fan page!! WOOHOO. This is a link for the page :) = http://www.facebook.com/WeeklyChic8843
Please LIKE !!!! It will mean alot, and if you message us then we will message back! Now thats a promise :)

Ok finally to the ratings!!!

I rate this shoe......

I rate this shoe 9.9 - 10 !!!!! WOOHOO 
Please like the fan page :) 

Emelie <3 

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