fredag 15 juni 2012

NY hats


Is it just me that really LOVES these hats???!!!!

They are so in fashion right now EVERYONE is wearing one !!!!!!!

Me and Chantelle are going to get these I will get the black one and Chantelle will get the purple one :)

Ok now back to the topic....

One of the things why I LOVE these are because that thing that sticks out is FLAT not curved but flat!

Another thing I really like is how they put the N & Y together its really cool!

As you see on the right well thats the AWESOME Yankees logo.

If you look up at the picture of the black hat, you will see on the back of it there is a mini pictures (well not really picture) of a guy playing baseball.
Chantelle thinks baseball athletes look nerdy in there uniforms.
But seriously they have to dress like that its traditional to wear that (I think but I am pretty sure of it).

The thing I am trying to say is that NY hats are the awesomest hats I have EVER SEEN!!

There isn´t that much to say about hats, so I think I did a good job on writing.

Now to the ratings!!!!

I rate this hat HMMMM............

I rate this hat 


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