tisdag 10 juli 2012

Converse Socks :D

Hey Guys!!!
So today I am going to show you guys some really cool SOCKS! Yes socks. Some of you might think socks? Why socks? Well I am going to tell you why :)
Socks are often worn no a persons feet. They obsorb sweat and help to keep the fot dry. Socks also gives comfort and keeps the foot warm :P Some socks can go up to the ankle, some socks might go half way or even up to your knee. The socks that I am going to talk about today are the socks that go half way. These socks are Converse Socks.
Here is a picture of the socks:

I am IN LOVE with these socks. I really like how these socks look like converse. With these socks, you can just go outside with them on without anyone knowing that they are socks!!! HAHA I am just kidding :) You should always were socks when yo go outside.. unless you are on the beach... ANYWAYS, back to the topic :) Its really cool how they look alot lke converse (exept for the front as you can see on the purple and blue ones) I find that the side look SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much like converse :) HAHA! My favorite socks are the purple ones!!!
I give these socks...


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