söndag 12 augusti 2012

Runway show part 1


Today I will be bloging about this photo!
As you may see there is a picture of a runway show.

As you see there are different names under the picture, and I will be starting from the left ( BC BG Max Azria).

I really like the dress she has on I don`t know why I like the dress SO MUCH!

I don´t know if this makes sense but I really like the sides (of where the arms are) I mean the left arm fabric has no wavy fabric but just straight and, and then the right arm fabric is WAVY! It just looks really nice!

I also REALLY like the color I mean I know you guys would have thought that I liked colorful things, but I actually really like how it is a simple color. The color (grey) just really looks PERFECT on the dress!
Another thing about the color is that its metallic grey, you may not know what I mean but if you look at the dress then just think, about metal an then you see the color! Might not make sense :)

Ok now to the next dress.

This designer of this next dress is called DOLCE AND GABBANA also has a nickname as D & G.
Yes I know that I have done a post of this REALLY cool designers (D & G) watch :)

This next outfit is cool!

I like it I mean you have to admit pretty cool :)

I like the top, I mean I like how its stripey and so I think that it really goes with white!
What I mean about the white part is that the skirt is white.
Another thing is that if you look at the picture really closely then you could see that the skirt has a belt thats black, so you know.
Well as you can see there is not much to wright about. Sooooo see you guys next time!
You might be wondering why i am not doing the last 2 dresses that reason is because I will have a part 2!
Thats why the title is called Runway show PART 1!!!! BYE BYE :)

Emelie :)

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