tisdag 29 maj 2012

Headphones Beats.

Hello Fashion lovers!!!

I have found this awesome headphone brand called Beats!!! 

Well if it wasn´t for my awesome  friend Chantelle, then I would have never heard of these.

This is something new as you guys know, because we have never done an entry about this.

Now to what I like!!!

Well I dont have that much to say about these, but I really like the dark pink.

The color is almost purple but its actually dark pink!!!

Well if you guys have not heard this, but these headphones can actually block the sound, well you might not get that so I will explain more now about what I mean.
 So I mean its like if you have headphones on you would usualy hear the people around you talking and doing stuff, but these headphones make it so that you can only hear the music not other people babbling away.

Pretty cool huh??!!!

Well now its time for the rating!!!

I rate this...

I rate this: 9 out of 10 




lördag 26 maj 2012

pink and purple outfit

Hello Fashionistas !!!

I have found this outfit that suits people that like Justin Bieber !!!!
As you guys know I am a HUGE Justin Bieber fan !!!!
And so I would really want this outfit, except for the jeans they look really wierd and discusting!!! I mean its ripped and you guys out there, I would say not to like those jeans or else you just dont really think the same way as me!!!!!

Now to what I LIKE!!!!
Well I really like the jacket because I LOVE PURPLE, and it also says JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!
I also LOVE converse, they are just so cool, I mean that pink and the black really match!!!
As you know my latest post about raybans, and how I said I LOVE them, so I like these sunglasses because  
they match with almost EVERYTHING, so I like them ALOT!!!
Now to both of the bracelets!!!
Well I really like them well the one with pink and black is really cool and matches with almost everything!!!
I also really like the bracelet that says JUSTIN BIEBER<3<3
Now that bracelet I LOVE !!!!!
I really like the watch because it suits with the jacket so if I owned that jacket I would wear it with the watch
Now to the earings !!!
I really like the earings because they match with the whole outfit!!!
Now to the nails !!!
Well there are not that many things to say about these nails because they are just black but I do really like them!!

Now to the ratings!!!
I rate this outfit 

9.8 out of 10 WOOHOO 


Skechers Twinkle toes!!!

Hello Fashionistas!!!

I have found these really AWESOME shoes !!!!

They are called Twinkle toes, sounds kind of babyish, but they are pretty cool types of shoes!

I really like peace signs, me and Chantelle just cant get enough of them!!!

Now to what I like and dislike!!!

Well you guys probably know that I LOVE sparkly things so I really love these because they have sparkles !!!

Well how I said before I love peace signs!!!

And I also really like the little thing on the top thing you know the different colored sparkly thing!

Now to what I dont really like:

Well I dont really get how they put those laces there just crissed crossed I dont get that at all!!!!

Now to the rating!!!!!!
I rate this .............
8.5 out of 10!!! WOOHOO
By:Emelie :)

fredag 25 maj 2012


Hello Fashionistas!!!!

I have found these awesome sunglasses!!
This is something new to us because we are doing this post about sunglasses !!

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this but I have the exact same sunglasses well the pink ones!!!

Now back to the topic!!!

 I REALLY like the black sunglasses, I've wanted them since I saw them in a  magazine...

Now for the things i like and dislike:

Well both of the sunglasses are pretty much the same, the only thing different is the color.

Well I dont really think there is anything bad to say about them, so I will say the good things about these pairs of sunglasses!!!YAY

I really like the little silver things on the sides, thats what always reminds me when I see them in a store that those are RAYBANS!!!!

Now to the rating !!!!
I rate these sunglasses...
9.9 out of 10!!!! WOOHOO

By:EMELIE !!!!

tisdag 22 maj 2012


BREED OF DOG : Weener dog
 Hello fashionistas !!!!

Have I told you that I have a dog probably not....

Well I have found the most cutest dog clothes, well I chose these 2 out of 5 different photos...

As you guys know this is the first time we do something like this, not human clothes dog clothes:)

Ok now to what i like and dislike!!!

I really think that the weener dogs are really cute in the hoodies I really like the little pompom its SO CUTE <3 <3 <3

Now to the yorkshire terrier,
I really think that this looks like my dog william he is a yorkshire terrier too, and my dog is mamas dog too, he loves folowing my mom EVERYWHERE!!!!

Now to the ratings...........
9.5 out of 10!!!!

BY: Emelie!!!

måndag 21 maj 2012



I have found this dress that I think is the same as my moms or not .....

But OH WELL !!!!!

Now to what I like and dislike about the dress!!!!

As you guys know I really like colorful dresses so you know what i will say I LOVE HOW THERE ARE DIFFERENT COLORS!!!!!!

You guys may not know this but I also really like patterns on clothings!!!

Now to the thing I dont like.....

Well on one of the patterns there is a colored tree well tree-branches that I think does not suit with the dress that much.

Now for the ratings............


I rate this..... 6.5 out of 10!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
do you think different comment below!!


söndag 20 maj 2012


Hello fashionistas!!!

I have found this cool outfit on the web!!!
Its of Zendaya Coleman!!! (Chantelles idol)

I ts a casual look but a really cool casual look!
I really like the colors on the skirt.

I also like how the skirt is longer then usual skirt height.


I like how the brown is very casual style and kind of tomboy style.

I like the cdolors, its really peacefull colors i guess...
If you look closely at the t-shirt you will see that there is a heart and writing at the back of the heart.


Well I dont have that much to say about the shoes but I like them, and I think they are cool.


I rate this outfit......       9.5 WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!


Roxy. handbag. style.

Hello fashionistas!!!

I have found this bag that is really cool !!!

I love the colors and how they put on, the word roxy 5 times!!
I love how the color black goes well with the different colors.

Now for the thing i dont really like!

Well I dont really like that blue strap thing is just hanging there, it just does not go well with the whole bag, and if you look closer you will see that the blue string wrapped around the straps you hold on to is only on one side. So why bother with that tiny decoration!!!???

Well now for the rating!!!!!...


I rate this... 7 out of 10 WooHooo !!!!! BYE BYE 
think different then comment!!!!

lördag 19 maj 2012


hello !!!!

I have found this cool outfit!

I think that you should wear it in the summer!

I really like how the top and shoes have the same color.

I also like the sunglasses nice color.

I think the shoes are really cool I like how they braded the front, another thing about why i like the shoes is because they are sandals.

Now for the scarf, well I love purple and I think it suits with the sunglasses.

Shorts: Well I am a fan of these shorts and so i like them !!!


8.5 out of 10 WOOHOO!!!

Zendaya look in the Music video for Watch Me

Hey fashionistas
In this post I am going to do something different. I will show you a look and then I will show you where you can buy the clohes or item(s).  So, to start things off, I will show you a look that is worn by my idol, Zendaya Coleman. This look is featured in the music video for the song "Watch Me" CHECK IT OUT, It is an awesome song. SOO... anyways, this is where you can get the dress and the shoes. BUT, sadly, the dress is sold out :( You can type in your email so that hey can send you a notification when they get more in stock, that is what I did. So here is where I got it from:

Dress- Betsey Johnson- $209.00
Boots- Macy’s- $120.00

I rate this look... 10 /10




Hello fellow fashionistas!!!

I have found this UGLY dress!!!! 
Just look at the straps they are to curved and I think that there are diamonds on the straps too EEEEWWWW!!!!
The thing I like is probably the earings.

Something I hate is that dress at the end how its like a circle and thats what I think is gross!!!

Now to the shoes ! well I think that they suit with the earings...

Now for the ratings......


2.2 out of 10...

better then nothing I guess SEE YOU GUYS LATER!!!!

By: Emelie 
Do you think different Comment below!!! 

Bella Thorne look 2

Hello fellow fashion lovers!!!

I may have not mentioned this but my idol is Bella Thorne!

I really LOVE this dress on her because it suits her alot, I think she really suits pink too!
I really like that there is no strap, and how it is folded at the top, that I like.
The shoes are really nice and sparkly, that I like alot the more sparkles the better!!!
As you see on the picture there is a ring SPARKLY OF COURSE !!! now since I am kinda in a hurry I will rate the dress the shoes and ring now....

I rate the outfit.......

9.8 out of 10!!! woohoo!!!
bye bye see ya later By:Emelie  

Bella Thorne look 1

I like this look because everything goes together. I realy like the hat because it is not just one desighn, it is stripey, stripezzz, stripezzz, stripezzz. I really like how the belt it doubled, it isnt just one belt. The vest is cool and sparkly. I LOVE SPARKLES!!!!!!! The shirt is also cool. I like the watch but the thing I dont like about it is that it looks like is made for guys. NO OFFENCE WATCH... I am so wiered, I am talking to a watch !LOL! I dont realy like the jeans its too... umm.... multicoloured... :/ The look is great I want it myself :D Now its time for the rating. I rate this look...
9.9 / 10 



Hello fashionistas!

I really like his clothes because its not plain black and white but he picked blue black and white. That I think is really cool, he stands out with his outfit, now that I really like. His style is baggy as you see his pants are pretty baggy. I really like his shoes because they match with the whole outfit. Actually I think pretty much everything matches. The thing I think is OK is his smile he should smile smile not just a grin.I am not just saying all these good things about him because i am a fan, but I think he suits in his outfit. Something else is his shoes they look quit funny, I cant really explain why though.



9.5 out of 10 WOOHOO !!!
comment if you think different. see ya BYE BYE
By: Emelie 

cool pic ;)

This is a very random post. I was looking on google for cool outfits and this came up. I know, its random but... its cool :) Sry for the shortness in this post


Emelies Outfit

Now, its time for me to judge Emelies look for the day. As you all might know, we made a mini photo shoot outside in this tree. I find Emelies look very... interesting. I really like her shirt by the way it says " To your heart from mine, bring me back in time." I like how the shirt goes well with the jeans. Her shoes are wellies. I depends what you call them from where you come from, in other places they might be called rubber boots or wellington boots or something like that. I dont really like the fact that she is wearing wellies with this outfit. It could of looked better with a different pair of shoes.
shirt and pants
her wellies
8 out of 10
By Chantelle

Hannah Montana Dress

 Hey Fashionistas Of The Fashion World.
I really like this dress. Some of you might notice this from someplace else... maybe a TV show or a movie. YES, you guessed it its a Hannah Montana dress. I don't like Hannah Montana, BUT, I like this dress. I really like the fact that it is a strapless dress. It looks a bit funny like this but it looks great on with maybe a blue cardigan and a white clutch. Like this: 

I think that Hannah wears the dress well. The blonde hair goes well with it too. The thing that I don't like about the dress is that the circles at the bottom look a bit funny because, it fades out around the circles. I rate this outfit  8.5 out of 10


Victor style

Hello, fashionistas.

Have I mentioned I have a brother? guess not. Just like Chantelle we did a mini photoshoot.
Well I will start off with the things I like about his clothes, I like his shirt with all the different colors and how they suit with his socks. I also like the shorts not jeans shorts. If you look really close you will see that he has football shoes on. I dont really think that football shoes are that good to climb trees on though.
I think that this is his style, t-shirt and shorts, he does actually look good in this look too suits him.
If you think different then comment below ok ???



Hello Fashionistas of the fashion world. We have now made a new item thingy moboby...
It is called We Judge You. The whole idea of this is that you send us a picture of something that you want us to judge. For example, It could be a picture of you and your outfit, a celebrities outfit, shoes, shirts, socks, makeup... WHAT EVER YOU WANT as long as it has to do with
fashion Fashion Fashion  Fashion Fashion!So, if you want to send us any pictures that you want us to judge send us an Email. You can choose who you want to judge the picture. It could be Me Emelie or Both. Here is the email that you should send the pictures to: 



Chantelles style

Hello Fashionistas !!! 
We have done a little photoshoot of Chantelle, and so I get to rate this photo ! I really like how the Justin Bieber shirt matches with the jeans/shoes.I also really like how the armbands are different colored and suits with the outfit. I really like the shoes, I love the color how it is lime green. 
 Ok now for the rating I would rate this hmmmm... 6.5/10.
If you think different and want to rate it your self comment down below :) BYE BYE       

      BY: EMELIE

jeffrey Campbell

I AM JUST IN LOVE WITH THESE SHOES!!! When I first saw these, I knew that it was love at first sight
hehe. lol. I love how the spikes were placed at the back and how it sort of curves at the top. I realy like how the shoe sort of curves at the bottom. So that it is not a complete straight line. It gives the person wearing them more space to walk. The thing that i dont like about these shoes is that these pikes look a bit sharp. I rate this 10-10


Hello Fashion lovers!

I really like this bag ! I liked how they used different colors for the pattern, because usualy they would stick to one color for the pattern. I also love how the white suits with all the colors on handbag. The scarf is not actually just hanging there, if you look really close you can see holes and so the scarf  is attached to the bag. Now for the rating time! I would rate this...
7.7/10. If you want then write a comment down below.

Oh yeah the thing I did not really like about this bag is that the scarf thing does not match with the bag :D
Bye Bye 



Hello fellow fashionistas! We have found these awesome shoes! They are converse but very long, they go up to your knee, sometimes higher ;) they are called xtra hi converse. They are really cool. The thing I dont really like is how it is shaped on the side not where the lace is but the other side.But they look really comfortable so I would absolute want them anytime!!!I would rate this hmmm.... 9.1/10. So if you want to rate it out of 10 then comment below thanks !!! and Bye Bye 


fredag 18 maj 2012

Hello fashionistas

Welcome to Weekly Chic. In this blogg you will find things all about fashion. We are the creators of Weekly Chic, Emelie and Chantelle we are best friends BFFs. We have found a really pretty dress so if you like it comment down bellow and rate it out of 10! we love how how the dress curves at the bottom, we also like how the sparkles were placed. Not too much, but not too little sparkles. We also find that the shoes go very well with the whole outfit, and how the dress really suits the model. We rate this dress ( out of ten )
9.5/10 Something we dont really like about this dress is that at the top, it goes too low down, we think that there should be atleast seethrough straps or something... Thanks for reading and commenting BYE BYE!

Chantelle and Emelie