fredag 18 maj 2012

Hello fashionistas

Welcome to Weekly Chic. In this blogg you will find things all about fashion. We are the creators of Weekly Chic, Emelie and Chantelle we are best friends BFFs. We have found a really pretty dress so if you like it comment down bellow and rate it out of 10! we love how how the dress curves at the bottom, we also like how the sparkles were placed. Not too much, but not too little sparkles. We also find that the shoes go very well with the whole outfit, and how the dress really suits the model. We rate this dress ( out of ten )
9.5/10 Something we dont really like about this dress is that at the top, it goes too low down, we think that there should be atleast seethrough straps or something... Thanks for reading and commenting BYE BYE!

Chantelle and Emelie

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Chantelle and Emelie it's Sasha!!!!! Hehe. I like this dress too. I like how the sparkles r put and the lovely pink colour. I kind of like the bottom part with the frills but not that much cause it looks kinda weird. I don't like the back because it's sooo low cut! And the front is a bit low cut and they could have it a bit higher. Hehe that's all !!!!!!!!! :P
